Austrak NT

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Public Company
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Summary Information:
Austrak NT is a subsidiary of Barclay Mowlem. It was awarded the sleeper factory construction contracts in relation to the Alice Springs to Darwin Railway line, by ADrail Joint Venture Limited which is responsible for the design and construction of the railway line. The factory which was built in Katherine in the Northern Territory was scheduled to produce 2400 sleepers per day once it reached peak production capacity at the end of 2001.

Related Entries

  • Alice Springs to Darwin Railway Agreement
  • Indigenous Employment and Training Agreement between ADrail Joint Venture Company and the Northern Land Council
  • Organisation
  • ADrail Joint Venture Company
  • Barclay Mowlem - Owner

  • References

    Media Release
    Mike Reed, Treasurer, Northern Territory Government (2001) Media Release


    Public Company