Department of Conservation and Land Management (WA)

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: West Australian Government
Sub Category:State Government
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • CALM
  • URL:
    Summary Information:
    The Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) is the Western Australian State Government Agency with responsibilities for managing more than 24 million hectares of national, marine, conversation and regional parks; State forests and timber reserves; and nature and marine nature reserves. CALM implements Government policy in relation to those areas of land and water and has responsibility for the conservation of native plants, animals and natural ecosystems. CALM manages ‘lands and waters for the conservation of biodiversity at ecosystem, species and genetic levels, including management for the renewable resources they provide, and for the recreation and visitor services they can sustainably support.’ CALM provides services to a number of other Western Australia Statutory Authorities, to the wider Western Australian community and directly to the public.

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