Government of British Columbia

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Provincial/Territory Government (Canada)
State/Country:British Columbia, Canada
Summary Information:
British Columbia is Canada’s westernmost province and covers an area of 95 million hectares, or nine percent of Canada’s land mass. There are approximately 4,168,100 people living in the Province of British Columbia. The Government of British Columbia is responsible for the provision of education, healthcare, social welfare and roads to the Province of British Columbia and exercises concurrent jurisdiction with the Government of Canada over areas such as taxation, natural resources and agriculture. The Legislature of British Columbia is headed by a Lieutenant-Governor (the Queen’s representative) and consists of 79 Members of the Legislative Assembly, each representing their own constituents. There is only one chamber of parliament. British Columbia’s political executive consists of a premier and cabinet.

Related Entries

  • Tsawwassen First Nation Agreement-in-Principle - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Final Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Harvest Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Own Source Revenue Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Taxation Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Framework Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Agreement-in-Principle - Signatory
  • Metis Nation Accord 1992
  • British Columbia Treaty Commission Agreement - Signatory
  • Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement - Signatory
  • Organisation
  • Tsawwassen First Nation
  • Government of Canada
  • Legislation
  • Treaty Commission Act 1996
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Meech Lake Constitutional Accord 1987
  • Charlottetown Accord 1992
  • British Columbia Six - Stage Treaty Negotiation Process

  • References

    The Solon Law Archive (1987) Meech Lake Constitutional Accord


    Provincial/Territory Government (Canada)