Nisga'a Lisims Government

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Canadian Aboriginal Government
State/Country:British Columbia, Canada
Summary Information:
The Nisga’a Lisims Government formally came into effect on May 11, 2000. It is the overarching form of government provided for by the Nisga’a Constitution and operates alongside Nisga'a Village Governments.
Detailed Information:
The Constitution of the Nisga’a Nation provides for a legislative and executive arm of government. The legislative arm, Wilp Si'ayuukhl Nisga'a, is composed of Government Officers, Chief and Village Councillors and Urban Local representatives. Elections for members are held every four years. All sittings of Wilp Si'ayuukhl Nisga'a must be held in public if legislation is to be enacted. The executive of arm of Nisga’a Lisims Government consists of a President, a Chairperson, a Secretary-Treasurer, the Chairperson of the Council of Elders, any other Officer of Nisga’a Lisims Government, the Chief Councillor of each Nisga’a Village Government and one representative from each Nisga’a Urban Local. The executive may make laws according to their powers as provided in the Nisga’a Final Agreement, and as arises through legislation.

Related Entries

  • Nisga'a Nation Harvest Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Own Source Revenue Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Taxation Agreement - Signatory
  • Nisga'a Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement - Signatory
  • Legislation
  • Constitution of the Nisga'a Nation
  • People
  • Nisga'a Nation

  • References

    (2000) Constitution of the Nisga'a Nation
    (2001) Nisga'a Lisims Government Act


    Canadian Aboriginal Government