Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: Australian Commonwealth Government
Sub Category:Federal Government
State/Country:New South Wales, Australia
URL: http://www.jumbunna.uts.edu.au/
Summary Information:
Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning (Jumbunna) is the Aboriginal student support centre at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). There are over 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students enrolled at UTS, including up to 30 students studying at postgraduate levels. Jumbunna was established after extensive lobbying by two Aboriginal students in 1986 and in 2001 it was launched as the ‘Indigenous House of Learning’. ‘Initially Jumbunna was set up to provide cultural and academic support, tutorial assistance, counselling and to address various other student needs. Now Jumbunna not only provides student access and support services but through the Academic/Curriculum Development and Research units seeks to ensure that Aboriginal culture, history and philosophy is incorporated within the curriculum of each faculty at the UTS.’ (Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning: http://www.jumbunna.uts.edu.au/jumbunna.htm (at 21 July 2004). Jumbunna is a leading research unit of UTS.

Related Entries

  • Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria Park Community School and University of Technology, Sydney
  • Organisation
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • Alexandria Park Community School

  • Glossary

    Federal Government