Limestone Resources Australia Pty Ltd

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Proprietary Company | Respondent
Place:West Perth
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Summary Information:
Limestone Resources Australia Pty Ltd was registered as a proprietary company in 2005 (ASIC Website, January 2007).' It is the holding Company for both Moore River Limestone and Carabooda Limestone, and is the largest supply network in limestone product to the Australian building and construction industry' (Limestone Resources Australia Pty Ltd Website, January 2007). It is a named respondent to the native title claim WC03/5, which was subject to the decision of Bennell v State of Western Australia [2006] FCA 1243.

Related Entries

Case Law
  • Bennell v State of Western Australia [2006] FCA 1243 - Respondent

  • References

    Case Law
    (2006) Bennell v State of Western Australia [2006] FCA 1243
    Australian Securities and Investments Commission Extract
    Limestone Resources Australia Pty Ltd Company Profile


    Respondent | Proprietary Company