Minister for Lands for the State of New South Wales

Category: People
Binomial Name: New South Wales Government
Sub Category:Respondent

Related Entries

  • Trevor Close on behalf of the Githabul People v Minister for Lands [2007] FCA 1847 (29 November 2007) - Respondent
  • Ti Tree Lake (Taylor's Lake) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA 3) - Signatory
  • Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council v Minister for Lands [2008] FCA 1934 (17 December 2008) - Respondent
  • Eden Local Aboriginal Land council v NTSCORP Ltd [2010] FCA 745 (15 July 2010) - Respondent
  • Eden Local Aboriginal Land council v NTSCORP Ltd [2010] FCA 746 (15 July 2010) - Respondent
  • Cubbitch Barta Clan of the Dharawal People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Signatory
  • Case Law
  • Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Council v Minister for Lands and Others (Unreported, FCA, 7 December 2005) - Respondent
  • Peter Hillig in his capacity as administrator of Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council v Minister for Lands for the State of New South Wales [2005] FCA 1712 (28 November 2005) - Respondent
  • Peter Hillig in his capacity as administrator of Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council v Minister for Lands for the State of New South Wales [2005] FCA 1713 (28 November 2005) - Respondent
  • Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council v Minister for Lands for the State of New South Wales (No 2) [2008] FCA 1929
  • Peter Hillig in his capacity as administrator of Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council v Minister for Lands for the State of New South Wales [2005] FCA 1713 - Respondent

  • Glossary
