Aboriginal Land (Northcote Land) Act 1989 (Vic)

Category: Legislation
State/Country:Victoria, Australia
URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/alla1989262/s5.html
Summary Information:
The Aboriginal Land (Northcote Land) Act 1989 (Vic) was enacted to authorise the granting by the Crown of land at Northcote to the Aborigines' Advancement League (AAL) and to provide for related matters. The land granted was a small area adjacent to the area managed by the AAL under the Aboriginal Lands (Aborigines' Advancement League) (Watt St, Northcote) Act 1982 (Vic). The grant was made subject to a condition that the land continue to be used for Aboriginal cultural and recreational purposes.

Related Entries

  • Aboriginal Advancement League
  • Event
  • Northcote Land Transfer
  • Watt St, Northcote Land Transfer
  • Legislation
  • Aboriginal Lands (Aborigines' Advancement League) (Watt St, Northcote) Act 1982 (Vic)