Sponsorship Agreement between Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation and Woodside Australian Energy Ltd

Sub Category:Indigenous Partnership
State/Country:Pilbara, Western Australia, Australia
Subject Matter: | Cultural Heritage | Economic Development
Summary Information:
The agreement between Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation and Woodside Australian Energy Ltd was signed on 2 March 2005. As at June 2006, the three-year sponsorship agreement had supported the following initiatives: - funding software purchase and training for the Mirnuwarni Ganyjagayi electronic archive. The database contains important image, audio and film material. - digitising the Indigenous documentary, Exile and The Kingdom, to make DVDs available for sale. The documentary is 'a comprehensive account of the experiences of a community of Aboriginal people from pre-colonial times to the 1990s'. - developing the Juluwarlu website: http://www.juluwarlu.pilbara.net.

Related Entries

  • Woodside Petroleum Ltd - Signatory
  • Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corporation - Signatory

  • Glossary

    Indigenous Partnership