AIATSIS Thesaurus language code and map grid reference: (Y115) (Qld SE55-05)
For more information, refer to the AIATSIS Thesauri (see reference below).
The Bar-Barrum people are referred to in Congoo v State of Queensland [2001] FCA 868 as those people who hold native title and a common body of traditional law and culture within a determined land area. They have cultural and geographic association with areas including a native title area of approximately 357 square kilometres within the areas of the Herberton and Mareeba Shire Councils on the Atherton Tableland in Far North Queensland. More specifically the claim area comprises 25 unallocated State land tenures and two reserves within an area from Petford to Herberton, across the ridge of the Great Dividing Range, south of Dimbulah and Mutchilba and south-west of the Atherton Tablelands.
The Bar-Barrum people are represented by the Bar-Barrum Aboriginal Corporation for the purposes of management of their native title interest. |