Families South Australia

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: South Australian Government
Sub Category:State Government
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • South Australia Child, Youth and Family Services
  • URL: http://www.familiesandcommunities.sa.gov.au/Default.aspx?tabid=638
    Summary Information:
    Families South Australia is a division of the Department of Families and Community. It was formerly known as South Australian Child, Youth and Family Services (SA CYFS). According to its website, Families South Australia works in the following areas:
  • protecting children from abuse and harm;
  • supporting families to reduce risk to children;
  • providing alternative care for children and young people when home is not an option;
  • working with young people who break the law;
  • managing adoption processes;
  • caring for refugee children at risk;
  • delivering services to address poverty; and
  • helping communities affected by disaster to rebuild. Families South Australia provides services through a network of three regions and 19 District Centres and associated branch offices.

  • Related Entries

  • Gerard ‘Establishing a Breakfast Club’ Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) - Signatory