The Wanparta Aboriginal Corporation is the registered native title body corporate nominated as trustee of the Ngarla People's native title as determined by: - consent in Brown (on behalf of the Ngarla People) v State of Western Australia [2007] FCA 1025;
- consent in Brown (on behalf of the Ngarla People) v State of Western Australia (No 3) [2010] FCA 859; and
- by litigation in AB (deceased) & Ors on behalf of the Ngarla People v State of Western Australia & Ors on 19 Feb 2013 and unpublished.
The corporation was registered under the Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (Cth) on 7 November 2006. The objects of the Corporation, as outlined in the Corporation's Rules and Objectives include to: - provide direct relief from poverty, sickness, misfortune, destitution or helplessness among aboriginal people, especially the common law holders;
- be and to perform the functions of a prescribed body corporate, for the purpose of being the subject of a native title determination;
- be and to perform the functions of a Registered Native Title Body Corporate for the purpose of being the subject of a native title determination protect, preserve and advance the traditions, laws, languages, cultures and customs Aboriginal people, especially the common law holders;
- hold title to any vested land;
- advance and promote the well being of aboriginal people, especially the Common Law Holders;
- provide environmental, social and cultural benefits to Aboriginal people, especially the common Law Holders;
- maintain, protect the culture, native title traditions and customs, economic development, interests and social progress of Aboriginal people, especially the common law holders; and
- support and provide education, training and employment for Aboriginal people, especially the common law holders.