Treaty 5

Binomial Name: Canada
Date: 20 September 1875
Sub Category:Treaty (Canada)
Place:Beren’s River and Norway House
State/Country:Manitoba, Canada
Subject Matter:Land Settlement
Summary Information:
Detailed Information:
Treaty No 5, a Treaty between the Crown and the Saulteaux and Swampy Cree Tribes was signed on 20 September 1875 at Beren’s River and Norway House, Manitoba. The treaty covers the area ‘commencing at the north corner or junction of Treaties Nos. 1 and 3; then easterly along the boundary of Treaty No. 3 to the "Height of Land," at the northeast corner of the said treaty limits, a point dividing the waters of the Albany and Winnipeg Rivers; thence due north along the said "Height of Land " to a point intersected by the 53° of north latitude; and thence north-westerly to "Favourable Lake"; thence following the east shore of said lake to its northern limit; thence north-westerly to the north end of Lake Winnipegoosis; then westerly to the "Height of Land" called "Robinson's Portage"; thence north-westerly to the east end of "Cross Lake"; thence north-westerly crossing "Foxes Lake"; thence north-westerly to the north end of "Split Lake"; thence south-westerly to "Pipestone Lake," on "Burntwood River "; thence south-westerly to the western point of "John Scott's Lake"; thence south-westerly to the north shore of "Beaver Lake"; thence south-westerly to the west end of "Cumberland Lake"; thence due south to the "Saskatchewan River"; thence due south to the north-west corner of the northern limits of Treaty No. 4, including all territory within the said limits, and all islands on all lakes within the said limits, as above described; and it being also understood that in all cases where lakes form the treaty limits, ten miles from the shore of the lake should be included in the treaty’. The Swampy Cree and Saulteaux Indians were represented by Nah-wee-kee-sick-quah-yash, Chief; Kah-nah-wah-kee-wee-nin and Nah-kee-quan-nay-yash, Councillors, and Pee-wah-roo-wee-nin, of Poplar River; Councillors for the Indians within the Norway House region and their several bands: David Rundle, Chief, James Cochrane, Harry Constatag and Charles Pisequinip, Councillors; and Ta-pas-ta-num, or Donald William Sinclair Ross, Chief, James Garrioch and Proud McKay, Councillors. The Treaty stipulates that the Saulteaux and Swampy Cree Tribes of Indians and all other Indians ‘inhabiting the district hereinafter described and defined, do hereby cede, release, surrender and yield up to the Government of the Dominion of Canada, for Her Majesty the Queen and Her successors for ever, all their rights, titles and privileges whatsoever to the land and to conduct themselves as good an loyal subjects of her majesty the Queen’. The terms of the treaty impose on the Crown an obligation to:
  • assign reserves, not exceeding 160 acres for each family of five;
  • pay the sum of 500 dollars per annum and every year expended by Her Majesty in the purchase of ammunition, and twine for nets;
  • provide two hoes for every family actually cultivating; also one spade per family as aforesaid; one plough for every ten families as aforesaid; five harrows for every twenty families as aforesaid; one scythe for every family as aforesaid, and also one axe; and also one cross-cut saw, one hand-saw, one pit-saw, the necessary files, one grindstone, and one auger for each band; and also for each Chief, for the use of his band, one chest of ordinary carpenter's tools; also for each band enough of wheat, barley, potatoes and oats to plant the land actually broken up for cultivation by such band; also for each band one yoke of oxen, one bull and four cows all the aforesaid articles to be given once for all for the encouragement of the practice of agriculture among the Indians; and
  • provide to all chiefs an annual salary of 25 dollars per annum, and each subordinate officer, not exceeding three for each band, shall receive 15 dollars per annum; and each such Chief and subordinate officer as aforesaid shall also receive, once every three years, a suitable suit of clothing; and each Chief shall receive, in recognition of the closing of the treaty, a suitable flag and medal.

  • Related Entries

  • Government of Canada
  • People
  • Ojibwa Indians
  • Swampy Cree Indians

  • Glossary

    First Nations People of Canada | Treaty