Yuendumu 'Swimming Pool' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | Date: | 1 May 2007 | | Sub Category: | Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | Place: | Yuendumu | State/Country: | Northern Territory, Australia | | Yuendumu is located in south central Northern Territory. It is approximately 290 km north west of Alice Springs. | | | Payments: | Proposed contribution - Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination ($800,000)Proposed contribution - Department of Local Government, Housing and Sport (NT) ($800,000)Proposed contribution - Central Land Council (In-kind support)Proposed contribution - Mt Theo-Yuendumu Substance Misuse Aboriginal Corporation ($800, 000) | Subject Matter: | | Sports and Physical Recreation | Youth | URL: | http://www.indigenous.gov.au/sra/search/document.aspx?id=19279 | | Summary Information: | | The Yuendumu ‘Swimming Pool’ Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) is an agreement between the Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (OIPC), the Department of Local Government, Housing and Sport, the Central Land Council (CLC) and Mt Theo-Yuendumu Substance Misuse Aboriginal Corporation. It provides for the funding of a 25 metre swimming and toddler pool with an ablution block. This community was one of the first to participate in the ‘no school, no pool’ joint Government initiative.
Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see ‘Shared Responsibility Agreement’ below. | Detailed Information: | | Purpose
This shared responsibility agreement is designed to raise levels of physical activity and so increase general awareness of health related issues and the benefits that can be achieved through using a pool and going to school regularly. A swimming pool has been identified as an appropriate recreational facility which could form a focal point for strategic action by the community on inter-related issues. It is also believed that the pool will create employment opportunities, training and capacity building within Yuendumu through long-term sustainable operations of the swimming pool and the integration of associated health and education initiatives.
Shared Responsibilities
The Yuendumu community, through the Mt Theo Substance Abuse Aboriginal Corporation, will:
Contribute one-third the cost of the construction of the pool;
Be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and operational costs;
Train community members to be lifeguards;
Train community members to be pool managers and maintenance officers;
Support all school-aged children in engaging with their education;
Support the "Ngurrju school, Ngurrju Pool" initiative;
Create structured swimming activities for youth;
Participate in project evaluation strategies; and
Produce reports against performance indicators as required.
Organisations have committed to the following:
Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Association will provide:
A financial donation to construction costs (amount yet to be specified);
Percentage (amount yet to be specified) of their annual profits for on-going maintenance costs of the pool; and
Will undertake to provide artwork (mural) on the building-entrance of the pool.
Warlpiri Media will promote pool activities through their media outlets.
Childcare Centre Old People's Program and Yuendumu Community Education Centre has committed to ensure their staff receive appropriate lifesaver-training, and to utilise the pool for their programs.
Newmont Mining Inc. has committed to provide chemicals as required for the on-going maintenance of the pool.
Yuendumu Mining Corporation NL has offered to provide the labour and equipment to dig the pool-hole (if required by the Project Manager), a donation of $20,000 towards construction costs, and has committed to provide a percentage (amount yet to be specified) of their annual profits for on-going maintenance costs of the pool.
Yuendumu Health Clinic will provide health-related statistics (where appropriate) to Mt Theo Incorporation for the purposes of reporting against performance indicators.
Through the Mt Theo Corporation and the local Steering Committee, the Yuendumu
Community will:
Actively engage in planning, implementation and on-going evaluation of the project;
Support the 'Yes School, Yes Pool' initiative 'Ngurrja School, Ngurrja Pool';
Develop a code of conduct and a pool policy for the swimming pool;
Be assessed for swimming ability, and attend swimming lessons to learn and to improve skills; and
Encourage youth participation in aquatic programs, events and activities.
The funding of the SRA is subject to the partners entering into a legally binding funding agreement.
Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms
This SRA provides for the following performance indicators:
Improvements in health status of children in the community measured by ‘Healthy School Aged kids’ screening programs. This is to be provided by the Yuendumu Community Health centre every six months;
The number of community members to complete their bronze medallion successfully and participate in events and activities. This will be provided by Mt Theo Corporation every six months;
The number of children under the age of five who have participate in ‘water safety’ lessons and activities. This should be provided and administered by the Department of Local Government and Housing and Sport every six months;
An increased number of children attending school and educational attainment at Yuendumu Community Education Centre. Reviews are six monthly;
Number of people who complete pool operation / manager program and the number days per month the pool is opened to the community will reviewed by Mt Theo Corporation;
The number of people in the community using the pool facility will be reviewed frequently by Mt Theo Corporation every 6 months;
The number of full-time CDEP and non-CDEP positions created and occupied by Indigenous members through the SRA and related project reviewed six monthly by the Mt Theo Corporation; and
The number of community events held at the pool should be reviewed by Mt Theo Corporation.
The feedback mechanisms and SRA monitoring strategies include:
1. Ongoing analysis of health and education statistics;
2. Ongoing analysis of the rate of usage of pool;
3. Quarterly meetings of the Yuendumu Steering Committee at the Mt Theo Corporation meeting room, with a representative of the Alice Springs Indigenous Coordination Centre; and
4. Provison of periodic financial and performance reports required in accordance with relevant Project Funding Agreements. | |