Yilpara 'Education Engagement' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)

Date: 21 June 2007
Sub Category:Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Yilpara is on the coast of Blue Mud Bay, in the Gulf of Carpenteria, Northern Territory.
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA) ($358,000)
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). ($50,000)
  • - Laynhapuy Homelands Association Incorporated. (In-Kind)
  • - Sydney Cove Rotary Club. (In-kind)
  • Proposed contribution - Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEST) ($300,000)
  • Subject Matter: | Education
    URL: http://www.indigenous.gov.au/sra/search/document.aspx?id=20864
    Summary Information:
    The Yilpara Education Engagement Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) links into ‘Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage’ strategic areas focusing on: i. early school engagement and performance; and ii. economic participation and engagement. The community feels that having teachers able to teach full-time will enable children to have access to proper education. The school (at the time of publication) has 68 children and young people enrolled. Constructing visitor accommodation, which can be temporarily leased or rented, and training facilities can allow teachers to stay in the community 5 days per week and adult educators as well as other professionals that visit the community for long periods. The community feels that by constructing these buildings and facilities that there will be an improvement in quality and quantity of services delivered with consistency. They also feel that with these facilities the community also feels that it could be a training hub for nearby homelands including Dhurutjpi, Rurangala, Balma, Barajtpi and Djarakpi. Therefore the scope of this SRA can be a platform for broadening community options to develop enterprise in the areas of ranger services and tourism. The longer term goal of the community is that Yilpara becomes a training and employment hub for nearby smaller communities within the Laynhapuy region. Shared Responsibility Agreements are agreements between governments and Indigenous communities to provide discretionary funding in return for community obligations. The new arrangements developed from an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments and replace the previous ATSIC system of funding. For more information see ‘Shared Responsibility Agreement’ below.
    Detailed Information:
    Purpose The purpose of this SRA is to provide the community with facilities to accommodate teachers and therefore allowing them to rent or lease accommodation for short or long term periods. Shared Responsibilities The communities will be responsible for setting up and managing the visitors accommodation and training centre. The responsibilities will include setting up the management booking/charging system. Laynhapuy Homelands Association Inc has undertaken to assist the community to develop and maintain their visitor's accommodation management. The community is also to be responsible for the maintenance, repairs and the upkeep of the facilities. The community members, mostly CDEP participants and volunteers from the Sydney Cove Rotary Club will build the visitors accommodation and training facility. Individuals, mostly those in the CDEP program, will provide the labour needed to upgrade the essential services with the assistance of Lanynhapuy Homelands Association Inc., and to also landscape the area surrounding the visitor's accommodation. A steering group will be set up and several community members will participate, develop and oversee the SRA. This steering group will meet monthly and they will keep records of school/adult education attendance and the number of adult education classes that are held. These classes are to be provided by the Northern Territory Department of Employment, Education and Training. All families with school age children will ensure that their children attend school as required. This steering group meets monthly. The community has already participated in a successful building project with the Sydney Cove Rotary Club building an Art's Centre and Women's Centre. Performance Indicators and Feedback Mechanisms -The number of students enrolled at Yilpara community school and the average percentage of overall attendance rate; -Provide feedback on the success of the ICC in providing a single point of contact with the Government. To be provided by the Laynhapuy Homelands Association Incorporated on a six monthly; -Funded organisations provide a report on incidents of Australian Government inflexibility program; -Number of community members involved in the building of visitor's accommodation and training centre; and -The number of adult education classes and the number of adults participating in the courses provided at the training centre. This performance indicator should be provided by the Laynhapuy Homelands Association Inc on a six monthly basis. Note-- This funding is subject to the partners entering into a legally binding funding agreement.

    Related Entries

  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) (Cth) - Signatory
  • Department of Education, Science and Training (Cth) - Signatory
  • Sydney Cove Rotary Club - Signatory
  • People
  • Yilpara Indigenous Community

  • Glossary

    Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) (Australia)