Riverland Regional Health Service Inc

Category: Organisation
Place:Riverland Region
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
'The Riverland region lies within the central-eastern section of South Australia covering an area of approximately 24 000 sq kms. It encompasses the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Berri Barmera, Loxton Waikerie, Renmark Paringa, plus Unincorporated Riverland and adjoining towns of Morgan and Blanchetown.' (Riverland Health Services Website, 2007).
Summary Information:
The Riverland Regional Health Service Inc provides acute care, community health and residential care services to residents and visitors to the Riverland. (Riverland,2005) The Riverland Regional Health Service Inc is funded by the Department of Health, and is part of the Riverland Health Services.

Related Entries

  • Barmera 'Bicycle Workshop' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) - Signatory
  • Renmark-Paringa 'Riverland Team Effort' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) - Signatory
  • Organisation
  • Department of Health (SA)