Hills Mallee Southern Regional Health Service

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: South Australian Government
Sub Category:State Government
Place:Hills Mallee Southern Region
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Subject Matter:Health and Community Services
URL: http://www.hmsrhs.sa.gov.au/
Summary Information:
The Hills Mallee Southern Regional Health Service is the South Australian State Government authority responsible for administering health services in the Hills Mallee Southern Region. The region covers over 30,000 square kilometres and includes the Adelaide Hills, Murray Mallee, Southern Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island. The region is described as ‘the most populous country health region in South Australia, with an estimated resident population (June 1999) of between 105,000 and 129,000 people,’ representing 9% of the estimated resident population of South Australia and 26% of the estimated resident population of country South Australia. The Health Service is a party to the Memorandum of Understanding between Bridge Clinic and Aboriginal Primary Health Care Access Program (APHCAP) of the Hills Mallee Southern Regional Health Service.

Related Entries

  • Memorandum of Understanding between Bridge Clinic and Aboriginal Primary Health Care Access Program (APHCAP) of the Hills Mallee Southern Regional Health Service - Signatory
  • Policy/Strategy
  • Primary Health Care Access Program (PHCAP)