Ti Tree Lake (Taylor's Lake) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA 3) |
Date: | 22 April 2008 | |
Sub Category: | Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Native Title Act) |
Place: | Ti Tree (Taylor's) Lake |
State/Country: | New South Wales, Australia |
| The extract of the ILUA from the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements describes the area covered by the agreement as follows:
The agreement area of approximately 58 hectares is located about six kilometers south of Byron Bay and includes and area known as Ti Tree (Taylor's) Lake.
The agreement area comprises the following lands described below and mapped in Map "X-4" attached to schedule A of the Agreement:
Lot and Deposited Plan;
Western severance of Lot 4 in DP 830202;
Lot 110 in DP 755695;
Lot 7007 in DP 1027346;
that part of Lot 7004 in DP1065640 south of a line drawn from the southernmost point of the eastern severance of Lot 4 in DP830202 to a point on the eastern boundary of Lot 7004 in DP1065640 at Latitude 28.694637 degrees South (subject to Survey) (a indicated on Map "X-4"); and,
that part of Taylor's Lake Road commencing on the southern boundary of Lot 100 in DP 755695 proceeding in a north Road to south of Lot 110 in DP 755695 (023) (as shown on Map "X-4").
The ILUA is also within the Byron Shire Council local government region. |
Legal Status: | Registered with the National Native Title Tribunal on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements on 22 April 2008. This is an authorised Area Agreeement under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). | |
Legal Reference: | National Native Title Tribunal File No.: NI2006/005 | |
Subject Matter: | Consultation | Future Act | Land Management | Land Use | Native Title |
Summary Information: | |
The Ti Tree Lake (Taylor's Lake) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA 3) was agreed between the Minister for Lands for the State of New South Wales and Linda Jane Vilder, Dulcie Nicholls, Yvonne Stewart, Stan Kay, Norman Graham and Brian Kelly on behalf of the Bundjalung People of Byron Bay (APPLICANTS) and the Minister for Environment for the State of New South Wales, the Director General of the Department of the Environment and Conservation and the Arakwal Aboriginal Corporation (OTHER PARTIES) on 22 April 2008.
The purpose of the ILUA is to provide for the Minister for the Environment and the Director General to consider the designation of the area that is subject to the ILUA as an 'Aboriginal Area,' and for this area to be transferred to New South Wales National Parks for management as a nature reserve (Extract from the Register of the National Native Title Tribunal, 2008).
The ILUA was registered on 4 April 2008 and does not have a stipulated period of operation. |
Detailed Information: | |
The parties to the ILUA consent to:
- the Minister for the Environment and the Director General considering whether to declare the area covered by the ILUA as an 'Aboriginal Area' under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW);
- the establishment of an advisory committee comprising female Aboriginal elders and other Indigenous representatives, including those appointed by the Director-General, to provide management advice to the Director-General with respect to the area covered by the ILUA;
- the advisory committee to provide significant input into management decisions, and in the case where there is a decision not to follow the advice of the committee, written reasons for this decision must be provided to the committee; and
- the doing of activities such as public works and facilities for or related to the management of the agreement area. | |