Marpuna Corporation

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Aboriginal Corporation
State/Country:Queensland, Australia
Subject Matter:Land Management
Summary Information:
The Marpuna Aboriginal Corporation is responsible for a Deed of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) area which comprises part of lands under Native Title claim by the Tjungundji, Yupangati, Warrangu, Taepathigi and Thanikwith peoples. The Community has a system of management in place to deal with tourists on their lands. A permit system operates and there are designated campsites. Printed information on history, rules, directions and fishing regulations is provided upon permit purchase. Three rangers with limited resources undertake land and sea country management duties.

Related Entries

  • Skardon River Kaolin Project - Signatory
  • People
  • Tjungundji People
  • Yupungathi People
  • Warranggu People
  • Taepadhighi People
  • Thanikwithi People

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal Corporation (Australia)