Alyawarr, Kaytetye, Arrapere, Pwetyalaneme, Mappette, Oorobora and Atnwallya Peoples | Category: | People | | Sub Category: | Native Title Holders (Native Title Act) | Place: | South South East of Tennant Creek | State/Country: | Northern Territory, Australia | Summary Information: | | The Alyawarr, Kaytetye, Arrapere, Pwetyalaneme, Mappette, Oorobora and Atnwallya Peoples were determined as Native Title holders by the Federal Court in The Alyawarr, Kaytetye, Warumungu, Wakay Native Title Claim Group v
Northern Territory of Australia in 2004. [2004] FCA 472
The court found that 'these groups collectively formed an identifiable Aboriginal community.'