Atambaya People

Category: People
Sub Category:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Native Title Claimants (registered) | Native Title Holders (Native Title Act)
Place:Cape York Peninsula
State/Country:Queensland, Not specified
Legal Status: Claimant group for National Native Title Register file no. QCD2022/010.
Summary Information:

The Atambaya People live on the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland.

The Atambaya People's native title rights and interests over this land were recognised in Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 11) (Atambaya determination) [2022] FCA 1176.

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  • Ross on behalf of the Cape York United #1 Claim Group v State of Queensland (No 11) (Atambaya determination) [2022] FCA 1176 - Native Title Claimant