Wesley Vocational Institute

Category: Organisation
State/Country:New South Wales, Australia
The Wesley Vocational Institute is situated at locations throughout New South Wales, including the Hunter Valley, the mid north coast region and the northern region.
Alternative Names:
  • Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW)
  • Subject Matter:Employment and Training
    URL: http://www.wesleymission.org.au/centres/wvi/default.asp
    Summary Information:
    The Wesley Vocational Institute is the vocational training arm of the Wesley Mission.
    Detailed Information:
    The Wesley Vocational Institute is a Registered Training Organisation that operates as an activity of the Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW). It develops and provides accredited traineeships and courses for individuals, businesses, community groups and organisations. Many of its courses have a focus on the community services industry, although it also runs programs in areas such as information technology, health and hospitality. The Wesley Vocational Institute is a signatory to the Many Rivers Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA), which was signed on 25 August 2009.

    Related Entries

  • Many Rivers Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) - Signatory