Wallco Pastoral Company Pty Ltd

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Proprietary Company
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Subject Matter:Pastoral Activities
URL: http://www.wallco.com.au/wallcopast.html
Summary Information:
Wallco Pastoral Company Pty Ltd is a cattle production and live export company that runs a number of cattle stations in the Northern Territory. It was a party to the consent determination in Young v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 585. Wallco Pastoral Company holds a perpetual pastoral lease over the Killarney Pastoral Station.

Related Entries

  • Young v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 585 - Respondent
  • Wavehill v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 584 - Respondent

  • Glossary

    Proprietary Company | Native Title (Australia) | Consent Determination (Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)) (Australia) | Native Title Determination (Australia)