Nona on behalf of the Badulgal v State of Queensland [2004] FCA 1578 |
Category: | Case Law | |
Binomial Name: | Federal Court of Australia | |
Date: | 14 December 2004 | |
Sub Category: | Case Law |
Place: | Badu Island, Torres Strait |
State/Country: | Queensland, Australia |
Legal Status: | Finalised, full consent determination | |
Legal Reference: | Tribunal file no.: QC96/63 Federal Court no.: QUD6078/98
| |
Subject Matter: | Access | Native Title | Water |
URL: | | |
Summary Information: | |
In 1996, the Badulgal People filed an application for determination of native title over the land and waters of Badu Island and adjacent islands in the Torres Strait. The legal process was a consent determination with native title existing in the entire determination area. The determination was made in 2004 by Justice Cooper of the Federal Court of Australia. The native title holders possess exclusive native title over the land areas and non-exclusive areas over water. |