Ronald Leslie Hall

Category: People
Sub Category:Party to an Indigenous Land Use Agreement
Place:Mt Isa
State/Country:Queensland, Australia
Subject Matter:Native Title
Summary Information:
Ronald Leslie Hall is a signatory to the Kalkadoon People/Gereta and Regent ILUA. Mr Hall is the lessee of: - Pastoral Holding 13/2588 comprising Lot 2588 on SP237659 (formerly Lot 2588 on Plan PH2037) known as Gereta - Pastoral Holding 13/2585 comprising Lot 2585 on Plan PH1274 known as Regent; and - Term Lease 0/221467 comprising Lot 7 on TG20.

Related Entries

  • Kalkadoon People/Gereta and Regent Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Signatory