Banjo Morton Apetyarr and others on behalf of the Aharreng,
Akaneng, Akweranty Anwerret, Alarilpw, Angkeperretyey,
Antarrengeny, Areyn, Arlangkw, Arlpaw, Arnapwenty Imangker,
Atnerleleengk, Atnwengerrp, Ileyarn, Irrerlerr, Kwerrkwepenty
Lyentyawel Ileparranem, Ntewerrek, Pwerrk and Tyaw Land Holding
Groups (registered applicants for NTD6069 of 2001) are party to the Ammaroo Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA). This ILUA was registered with the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) on 26 March 2015. |