Memorandum of Understanding between the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, AIDS Hepatitis and Sexual Health Line Inc. and the Hepatitis C Council Victoria Inc.

Date: May 2003
Sub Category:Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service Agreement
State/Country:Victoria, Australia
Subject Matter:Health and Community Services
Summary Information:
The Memorandum of Understanding between the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, AIDS Hepatitis and Sexual Health Line Inc. and the Hepatitis C Council Victoria Inc. ('the MoU') was agreed to provide a framework to promote effective work with Aboriginal communities to address issues regarding blood borne viruses ('BBV') and intravenous drug use ('IDU'). Signatories - Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) - AIDS, Hepatitis and Sexual Health Line Inc. (AHSHL) - Hepatitis C Council Victoria Inc. (HCCV)
Detailed Information:
Under the MoU, parties commit to: - Collaborate in developing and providing information and resources with regards to BBV and IDU, as well as awareness of the impact on Aboriginal health with regards to such issues; - Educating, training and informing indigenous communities regarding BBV and IDU issues; and - Joint strategies that broaden work practice, share knowledge and establish and strengthen relationships between services and government with regard to BBV and IDU issues

Related Entries

  • Memorandum of Understanding between Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and Cancer Council Victoria
  • Organisation
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation - Signatory
  • Aids Hepatitis & Sexual Health Line Inc. - Signatory