Details of the Agreement: The agreement area covers about 8.5 sq km in the vicinity of Pormpuraaw in the Gulf of Carpentaria. For details of the agreement area see Schedule 1 to the agreement attached below. Commencement: The ILUA commenced on 29 February 2016 (the date that it was signed by the last of the parties). It was entered onto the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements on 29 August 2016. Native Title Provisions: The parties consent to acts that include: - the grant of homeownership lease;
- the grant of a social housing lease;
- the construction, operation, use, maintenance, or repair of social housing;
- the grant of residential tenancy agreements to the tenants of social housing
- the Council doing acts in relation to infrastructure and operations;
- the grant of council housing tenure;
- the grant of a development and residential tenures and the doing of certain developments;
- the grant of State lease;
- the creation, use, and management of the New Reserves;
- the revoking of a State Reserve (whole or in part), the surrender of the DOGIT and the redescription of the Deed of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) to include the revoked State Reserve area;
- the change of trusteeship of a State Reserve or a Council Reserve;
- the change of a State Reserve's purpose to "the provision of services beneficial to Aboriginal people particularly concerned with land".
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