Under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) the State of Western Australia is able to pass legislation to validate acts that occurred between 1 January 1994 and 23 December 1996. As such, it has passed its validation legislation, the Titles (Validation) and Native Title (Effect of Past Acts) Act which came into operation on 5 May 1999. Under Section 12H, notification is to be given of: - grants of freehold title;
- grants of leases, licences and easements; and
- the creation, vesting or amendments to reserves,
which occurred under the Land Act 1933 between 1 January, 1994 and 23 December, 1996.
(Department for Planning and Infrastructure (WA) website: http://www.dpi.wa.gov.au/las/native.html (at 29 November 2004). |