Commencement: This agreement commences on its execution date, 2 August 2017, with the exception of Clauses 6 (Consent to Acts) and 10 (Compensation) which commence upon the registration date. Termination: This agreemnent may be terminated by written agreement of the parties. If the agreement terminates, the clauses in relation to consent to acts, compensation and release and waiver (Clauses 6, 10 and 11) will continue to apply. Native Title Provisions: Right to negotiate The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply to the doing of the agreed acts. Future act provisions This agreement provides consent to the validatation of any agreed future acts that were done invalidly prior to the agreement's registration. It also provides consnet for the granting of Lease HA and for the doing of all future acts necessary or incidental to the grant of Lease HA. Native Title in the Agreement Area: The agreement is located within the native title determination area recognised by the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) in the proceeding Mabuiag People v State of Queensland [2000] FCA 1065 (FCA File No.: QUD 6062 of 1998. NNTT File No.: QCD2000/001). |