Details of the Agreement Commencement and Termination The ILUA is binding as a contract when signed by the last of the parties. It has effect as an ILUA and in relation to the agreed future acts from the date of registration, 10 September 2019. The ILUA continues until either it is terminated by operation of subclause 2.3 (not available in the Extract), or by the mutual agreement of all parties.
Native Title Provisions Right to negotiate The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply to the agreed future acts. Extinguishment The Parties agree that the surrender of all native title rights and interests over the three lots in DP757298 is intended to permanently extinguish those native title rights and interests. Future act provisions The parties consent to: - the surrender and extinguishing of all native title right and interests in Lots 4242, 5267, 1621 in DP757298;
- the grant of a freehold title in Lot 18 in DP757447 to the Barkandji Native Title Group Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC; and
- the reserving of Lot 7330 in DP1181672 for community purposes; and
- any act done in good faith in accordance with the reservation for community purposes, over Lot 2 in DP758669 and Lot 7330 in DP1181672.
Native Title in the Agreement Area: The ILUA area is within the area of the native title determination Barkandji Traditional Owners #8 (Part A) v Attorney General of New South Wales (NNTT file no.: NCD2015/001; FCA file no.: NSD6084/1998).