Agreement area: The agreement area consists of multiple areas in the vicinity of Eyre Peninsula with a combined area of about 210 sq km. The extract from the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements describes the areas subject to this ILUA in Schedule one of the agreement (attached below).
Commencement: Clauses 4, 7, 8 and 9 of the agreement commenced on the date the last party signed the agreement. The rest of the agreement commenced on the date it was registered with the National Native Title Tribunal, 16 November 2018.
Termination: The agreement will continue indefinitely unless terminated early via the agreement or through the effect of law.
Native Title Provisions: Right to negotiate The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) are not intended to apply to the issue of certificates of title or to the surrender of native title.
Extinguishment The parties agree that the surrenders of native title agreed to in this ILUA are intended to wholly extinguish the native title rights and interests over the relevant areas.
Future act provisions The Barngarla People and the Native Title Body Corporate consent to the validating of the following acts done within the agreement area prior to the registration date of the agreement, and to the surrender of native title over the associated areas: - the grants of interests over various parcels of land, as specified in the extract, per s 13.1(a) of the agreement; and
- the reservation of D75391A29 (portion) in the Hundred of Pygery and D62518A156 in the Hundred of Walpuppie, for emergency services or fire station purposes pursuant to the Crown Land Act 1929 (SA), per s 13.1(b) of the agreement.
The Barngarla People and the Native Title Body Corporate also consent, where the State gives notice that a surrender is sought, to the surrender of their native title over land that is specified as Adjacent Land (land extending from the low water mark to the nearest road or section boundary, or to 50 m from the high water mark) or Subjacent Land (land under navigable waters) when and where a certificate of title is issued. Native Title in the Agreement Area: This agreement is located within the native title determination area of the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) proceeding Croft on behalf of the Barngarla Native Title Claim Group v State of South Australia (No 2) [2016] FCA 724. (FCA file no.: SAD6011/1998, NNTT file no.: SCD2016/001).