Details of the Agreement: Commencement and Termination: The ILUA is binding from when the last party signed it and continues until the Pastoral Lease ends or the ILUA is removed from the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements. Part A of the ILUA (not included in the Extract) commences from the date that a Guggari native title determination takes effect in relation to the area of this ILUA. If the Lessee elects to have this ILUA approved and registered as an Indigenous Cultural Interest, and notifies the Gunggari Native Title aboriginal Corporation NTRB then the terms in Part B (not detailed in the Extract) will commence.
Native Title Provisions: This ILUA does not provide consent for any future acts, affect the right to negotiate under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), nor extinguish any native title in the area.
Native Title in the Agreement Area: The ILUA is within the determination area of Foster on behalf of the Gunggari People #4 v State of Queensland [2019] FCA 1402 (NNTT file no.: 2019/005; FCA file no.: QUD19/2019).