Details of the Agreement: Commencement and Termination: The ILUA is binding from the date on which all parties have signed the ILUA. The ILUA binds all parties, their successors and permitted assigns. No party may unilaterally terminate the ILUA due to any reason, including by reason of breach and repudiation by any party to the ILUA. All parties may agree in writing to terminate the ILUA, even after the ILUA is registered.
Native Title Provisions: Right to negotiate: The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply in relation to the agreed future acts.
Extinguishment: The parties agree to the extinguishment of all native title rights and interests in the ILUA area. The parties intend that the surrender and extinguishment will occur on the date the ILUA is registered.
Future act provisions: The parties agree to the State creating and granting the following freehold titles: certificate of title comprising Lots 1776, 1777, 1778 and 1779 on DP208835;certificate of title comprising Lot 1365 on DP213443;certificate of title comprising Lot 1297 on DP210697; as well as a general lease over the whole of Lot 1365 on DP2143443, under section 79 of the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); and a general lease over the whole of whole Lot 1297 on DP210697, under section 79 of the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA).
Native Title in the Agreement Area: The ILUA area is within the native title determination Cheinmora v State of Western Australia (No. 3) [2013] FCA 769 (Federal Court No.: WAD6004/2000; NNTT No.: WCD2013/006).