Keith Narrier & Ors v State of Western Australia & Ors [2016] FCA 1519
Between: Keith Narrier & Ors AND Edwin John Beaman & Ors (Applicants) and State of Western Australia & Ors (Respondents) Judge: Mortimer J. Where Made: Ceremonial sitting of the Federal Court of Australia at Jones Creek, north of the town of Leinster. Determination: Native title exists in all of the determination area: it consists of exclusive and non-exclusive native title rights. Native Title is held by a group of the Western Desert People (persons referred as the Tjiwarl People, set out in Schedule 2 of the determination and in the attached document, 'Extract'). Exclusive native title rights and interests exist over part of the determination area, namely: The Tjiwarl People have the exclusive native title rights and interests to the possession, use, and enjoyment of the land that is shown as shaded green in Schedule 6 (maps) attached below under documents.
These rights and interests are subject to traditional laws and customs, as well as Western Australian law. The Tjiwarl People's non-exclusive native title rights and interests in the determination area include:
- the right to access, remain in and use the determination area;
- the right to access, take and use the resources in the determination for any purpose;
- the right to engage in spiritual and cultural activities in the determination area;
- the right to maintain and protect places of significance in the determination area.
The non-exclusive rights and interests exist over the determination area, except over the part shaded green in Schedule 6 (maps) attached below under documents. The
non-exclusive rights do not create any rights in relation to minerals,
petroleum or geothermal energy resources and geothermal energy as
defined in the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 (WA). Additionally,
the non-exclusive rights do not include the possession, occupation, use
and enjoyment of the area to the exclusion of others. Non-native title rights and interests that exist in the determination area: The following rights and interests were determined to exist on the date of the determination, set out in the attached 'Schedule 4 - Other Interests': - the rights and interests, including licences and permissions, of persons and organisations that exist under the laws of the State of Western Australia and the Commonwealth;
- the rights and interests of persons who have the care, control, and management of particular reserves within the determination area;
- the rights and interests of particular pastoral leaseholders within the determination;
- various roads which are maintained by the Shire of Sandstone and the Shire of Wiluna;
- the rights of the Commissioner of Main Roads, the Shire of Sandstone, and the Shire of Wiluna to use and maintain particular water bores and gravel pits;
- the rights and interests of particular easement holders;
- particular holders of mining interests under the Mining Act 1978 (WA);
- particular holders of petroleum pipeline licences under the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA);
- particular groundwater areas under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 (WA);
- the rights and interests of Telstra Corporation Limited created under the Post and Telegraph Act 1901 (Cth), the Telecommunications Act 1975 (Cth), the Australian Telecommunications Corporation Act 1989 (Cth), the Telecommunications Act 1991 (Cth) and the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth);
- any existing public access to and enjoyment of waterways, beds and banks or foreshores of waterways and stock routes, under s 14 of the Titles (Validation) and Native Title (Effect of Past Acts) Act 1995 (WA).
In the case of conflict, the exercise of non-native title rights and interests will prevail over the non-exclusive native title. The Tjiwarl (Aboriginal Corporation), as the prescribed body corporate, is to perform functions required under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and to act as an agent for the native title holders. The native title is held on trust for the native title holders. Note that there is access to the full text of the determination via the URL link. |