Details of the Agreement: Commencement and Termination: The ILUA's commencement date is not specified in the Extract, but commencement is dependant on the Central Land Council being of the opinion that certain conditions are met. It is also noted that the ILUA will not commence until the Minister has granted a production licence to Central Petroleum (NT). No terms in relation to termination are included in the Extract.
Native Title Provisions: Right to negotiate: The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply to the future acts agreed to under the ILUA.
Extinguishment: The right to negotiate applies. This means that under the Native title Act 1993 (Cth), any acts authorised under this ILUA that conflict with native title rights and interests will not extinguish those rights and interests. Instead, they will be revived when the acts are finished.
Future act provisions: The parties consent to: - the grant, continuation, and use of the production licence 7 (L7) under the Petroleum Act 1981 (NT) and any other authorisations that are necessary for the operation of the L7 or for the recovery, extraction or preservation of petroleum according to the L7; and
- all activities related to the recovery, extraction or preservation of petroleum according to the L7.