Persons who are ngurraritja

Category: People
Date: 14 December 2014
Sub Category:Native Title Applicant | Native Title Claimants (registered)
State/Country:Northern Territory , Australia
Legal Status:

Claim group of National Native Title Tribunal file no. DCD2017/004, registered on the Register of Native Title Claims.

Subject Matter:Native Title
Summary Information:

People who are ngurraritja for Ananta (Umbeara), Kalka (Kulgera), Watju (Mount Cavenagh), Wapirrka (Victory Downs) and Warnukula (Mulga Park) are the native title applicants in the Victory Downs Pastoral Lease claim. It was determined that these people hold native title over their respective areas.

The claim was filed in the Northern Territory in 2015 and determined by the Federal Court just two years later in March 2017.

See Wikilyiri on behalf of the persons who are ngurraritja for Ananta (Umbeara), Kalka (Kulgera), Watju (Mount Cavenagh), Wapirrka (Victory Downs) and Warnukula (Mulga Park) v Northern Territory of Australia [2017] FCA 446

(Native Title Tribunal No.: DCD2017/004; Federal Court file No.: NTD20/2015)

Related Entries

  • Wikilyiri on behalf of the persons who are ngurraritja for Ananta (Umbeara), Kalka (Kulgera), Watju (Mount Cavenagh), Wapirrka (Victory Downs) and Warnukula (Mulga Park) v Northern Territory of Australia [2017] FCA 446