Clausen Pty Ltd

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Proprietary Company
State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Legal Reference: ABN 58 080 032 864.
Subject Matter:Pastoral Activities
Summary Information:

Clausen Pty Ltd was a respondent in the consent determination of Oxenham on behalf of the Malgana People v State of Western Australia [2018] FCA 1929 (NNTT file no. WCD2018/012).

Clausen Pty Ltd is a party to the Malgana Wooramel Pastoral Lease Agreement (NNTT file no.: WI2020/019).

Detailed Information:
Per the ABN website, the business name of this company is Wooramel Pastoral Company. 

Related Entries

  • Oxenham on behalf of the Malgana People v State of Western Australia [2018] FCA 1929. - Respondent
  • Malgana Wooramel Pastoral Lease Agreement - Signatory