Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth Government and the Government of South Australia regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing

Date: 23 February 1999
State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • South Australian Bilateral Housing Agreement
  • Subject Matter:Health and Community Services |
    Summary Information:
    The Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth Government and the Government of South Australia regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing ('the Agreement') establishes a framework for partnership between the South Australian Government, the Commonwealth Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in South Australia. The parties to the Agreement are the South Australian Government and the Commonwealth Government (cl 4.1). The Agreement was signed by the Minister for Human Services (South Australia), the Chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) and the Minister for Family and Community Services (Commonwealth). This Agreement is shaped by and made pursuant to the objectives of the National Commitment to Improved Outcomes in the Delivery of Programs and Services for Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Straight Islanders signed by the Council of Australian Governments on 7 December 1992. The Agreement is intended to last for a term of three years and therefore is due for renegotiation in 2002 (Commonwealth Grants Commission).
    Detailed Information:
    The Purposes of the Agreement include: - enhanced coordination and reduction of program overlap; - increased access to housing through a more sensitive decision-making structure which maximises Aboriginal participation; - improved responsiveness, appropriateness and effectiveness of housing services; - establishment of clear roles and responsibilities for all parties in provision of Aboriginal housing services; - establishment of an effective strategic planning regime ensuring accountability; and - establishment of an Aboriginal Housing Authority (AHA) for South Australia. The Agreement sets out the roles and responsibilities of the signatories as follows: The Commonwealth Government has responsibility for: - provision of funds for Aboriginal Housing services; - provision of advice on Commonwealth policy and priorities; - provision of advice to assist the proposed AHA to 'develop and implement housing strategies based on the assessment of need'; - promotion of coordination with Commonwealth linked programs; - overal responsibility for achieving nationally consistent standards and outcomes The South Australian Government has responsibility to, among other things: - 'maintain responsibility for the provision of mainstream, and through the AHA, Aboriginal specific housing programs and services…'; - appoint an Aboriginal AHA Board and ensure participation by Aboriginal people in the management and delivery of housing programs and services; - 'provide the AHA with information and recommendations on any matter that relates to the powers and functions of the AHA…'; - 'provide funds and resources for Aboriginal housing services…to be administered in accordance with (the) Agreement'; - 'establish effective linkages and coordination between housing and infrastructure and other related services and programs provided by Government'; - fund delivery of land servicing The ATSIC Elected Arm is required to: - allocate funds for Aboriginal Housing services to be administered in accordance with the Agreement on the basis of the 'Strategic Plan'; - participate as the ATSIC representatives on the AHA; - 'promote coordination with ATSIC linked programs'.

    Related Entries

  • Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in South Australia
  • Organisation
  • Commonwealth of Australia - Signatory
  • State of South Australia - Signatory
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) - Signatory
  • Aboriginal Housing Authority (South Australia)
  • Policy/Strategy
  • National Commitment to Improved Outcomes in the Delivery of Programs and Services for Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islanders

  • References

    Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC) (2001) Report on Indigenous Funding (Final Report)

