Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre

Category: Organisation
Sub Category:Aboriginal Community Council
State/Country:Tasmania, Australia
Alternative Names:
  • TAC
  • Tasmanian Aboriginal Information Service
  • Summary Information:
    The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC) was formerly known as the Tasmanian Aboriginal Information Service. Its 1977 petition to the Tasmanian Parliament asking for land rights became known as the Aboriginal Land Claim and led ultimately to legislation which returned 12 parcels of land to the Aboriginal community. TAC provides information, legal, health, counselling and recreation services to the Aboriginal community. It works to repatriate cultural artefacts and human remains which are prresently held in museums and international collections. It also encourages people to learn and preserve traditional skills.

    Related Entries

  • Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania
  • Event
  • Aboriginal Land Claim
  • Legislation
  • Aboriginal Lands Act 1995 (Tas)
  • Aboriginal Lands Amendment Act 2004 (Tas)
  • Place
  • Oyster Cove Indigenous Protected Area
  • Risdon Cove Indigenous Protected Area
  • Mount Chappell Island Indigenous Protected Area
  • Badger Island Indigenous Protected Area
  • Case Law
  • Commonwealth of Australia v Tasmania ('Tasmanian Dam Case') (1983) HCA 21

  • Glossary

    Aboriginal Community Council (Australia) | Indigenous Protected Areas Programme (Australia)