Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2004 (WA)

Category: Legislation
Binomial Name: State of Western Australia
Date: 8 December 2004
Sub Category:Legislation


State/Country:Western Australia, Australia
Subject Matter:Land Use | Transport
URL: http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/wa/consol_act/rappiplaa2004615/
Summary Information:

The Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2004 (WA) was implemented in order to ratify and authorise an agreement between the State of Western Australia, Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd and Fortescue Metals Group Ltd in relation to multi-user railway and port infrastructure development (Schedule 1). 

Related Entries

  • O'Connor on behalf of the Palyku People v State of Western Australia [2019] FCA 330