Chief Executive Officer (Housing)

Category: Organisation
Binomial Name: Northern Territory Government
Sub Category:Government
State/Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Subject Matter:
Summary Information:

Chief Executive Officer (Housing) (CEOH) is a body corporate established under the Housing Act 1998 (NT). The CEOH is a government entity managed through the Department of Housing, Northern Territory.

Related Entries

Case Law
  • Various Applicants from Santa Teresa v Chief Executive Officer (Housing) [2019] NTCAT 7 - Respondent
  • Young and Conway v Chief Executive Officer, Housing [2020] NTSC 59 - Respondent
  • Cavanagh v Chief Executive Officer (Housing) [2018] NTSC 52 - Respondent
  • Chief Executive Officer (Housing) v Young & Anor [2022] NTCA 1 - Appellant