CWP Global

Category: Organisation
Legal Status:

ABN for 'CWP Australia Pty Ltd' active from 11 June 2010. 

Subject Matter:Green Energy
Summary Information:

CWP Global (CWP) was established in 2006 and is a leading renewable energy developer. CWP operates across Europe and Australia. CWP is currently partnering with Mirning Green Energy Limited and InterContinental Energy to build the Western Green Energy Hub, projected to be the world's biggest green energy hub, in Western Australia (Saur Energy International, 2021).

CWP Australia Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of CWP Global is registered with ASIC (ACN: 143 906 012; ABN: 19 143 906 012).

Related Entries

  • Mirning Green Energy Limited
  • InterContinental Energy

  • References

    General Reference
    Saur Energy International (14 July 2021) World's Biggest Green Energy Hub Proposed for Western Australia