Details of the Agreement Commencement and Termination The ILUA is binding from 25 August 2020. It has effect as an ILUA, and in relation to the agreed future acts from its registration on 27 April 2021. Native Title Provisions Right to negotiate The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply to the future acts agreed to under this ILUA. Extinguishment The parties agree that the non-extinguishment principle applies - this means that under s 24EB(3) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) any of the activities authorised under this ILUA which may be inconsistent with native title rights and interests do not extinguish these rights and interests, instead they are revived when the activities are finished. Future act provisions The parties agree to the Lotus Creek Wind Farm Project. This means the development, planning, construction, commissioning, operation, modification, expansion, extension, maintenance, and decommissioning of the Lotus Creek Wind Farm. The agreement includes: - Wind turbine generators
- Substations
- Energy storage systems
- Electrical connections
- Powerlines and transmission lines
- Wind monitoring masts
- Operation and maintenance facilities
- Overhead and underground electrical cabling
- Hardstands
- Construction compounds
- Access tracks
- Temporary construction laydown areas
The agreed acts include the grant or variation of any lease, licence or permit from a government agency, land owner, or state leaseholder that Lotus Creek Pty Ltd reasonably considers necessary or beneficial in order to undertake the Project. See the Extract for a more detailed description of these activities. Native Title in the Agreement Area The ILUA is within the Barada Barna People's native title area as determined in Budby on behalf of the Barada Barna People v State of Queensland (No 7) [2016] FCA 1271. |