Details of the Agreement Commencement and Termination The ILUA commences from the date when signed by all the parties. However, in relation to the agreed future acts, surrender of native title, right to negotiate, and another unspecified clause, the ILUA commences from its registration date, 7 May 2021. Native Title Extinguishment The parties agree that the Ngarla People's surrender to the State of their native title rights and interests within the area of freehold title and an easement is intended to extinguish those native title rights and interests. Right to negotiate The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply to the agreed future acts. Future act provisions The parties consent to and confirm the validity of the: - amalgamation and lease of certain areas into Pardoo Beef Pty Ltd's Pastoral Lease
- amendment of the boundaries of a Reserve to include certain areas;
- grant of a Crown lease and two easements;
- a freehold act; and
- the grant of a licence to Pardoo Beef Pty Ltd for the purpose of access to certain areas before the Crown Lease is granted.
For further information see the National Native Title Tribunal Extract and Maps attached below. Native Title in the Agreement Area This agreement has the effect of extinguishing the Ngarla People's native title in part of the area that was considered in Brown (on behalf of the Ngarla People) v State of Western Australia [2007] FCA 1025. |