Between: Russell Doctor, Elaine Georgetown, Cyril Logan and Rhonda Sandow on behalf of the Bigambul People (Applicant) and the State of Queensland, Goondiwindi Regional Council, Toowoomba Regional Council, Western Downs Regional Council and others (Respondents) Judge: Reeves J Determination Native title exists in the entire determination area It consists of non-exclusive native title rights and interests. Native title holders Native title is held by the Bigambul People. Non-exclusive native title rights and interests exist over the entire determination area These rights and interests exist over the area described in Schedule 1 and include the right to: - access the determination area;
- camp and live temporarily on the area;
- hunt, fish and gather on the land and waters of the area for personal, domestic and non-commercial purposes;
- take and use the water of the area for personal, domestic and non-commercial purposes;
- conduct ceremonies on the area;
- be buried and bury native title holders within the area;
- maintain places of importance and areas of significance to the native title holders under their traditional laws and customs; and
- light fires on the area for domestic purposes.
Other rights and interests in the determination area include: - the agreement between the applicants and the Balonne Shire Council, Western Downs Regional Council, Goondiwindi Regional Council and Toowoomba Regional Council those of the parties to the agreement which was authorised by the native title claim group on 9 September 2016 (Bigambul People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA));
- those of the parties to the agreement that was authorised by the native title claim group on 9 September 2016 (the Bigambul People and Ergon Energy Corporation ILUA);
- Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited;
- the rights and interests of the State of Queensland, Goondiwindi Regional Council, Toowoomba regional Council and Western Downs Regional Council to access, use, operate, maintain and control the dedicated roads in the determination area;
- the rights and interests of Telstra Corporation Limited;
- the rights and interests of Ergon Energy Corporation Limited;
- the rights and interests of Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited pursuant to the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (Qld);
- the rights and interests of Origin Energy Resources Limited and Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited;
- any existing public access to and enjoyment of areas in the determination area pursuant to s 212(2) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA); and
- any other rights and interests held by the State of Queensland or the Commonwealth of Australia.
See Schedule 4 for further information about the non-native title rights and interests.
In the case of conflict, the exercise of non-native title rights and interests will prevail over the non-exclusive native title The Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation is the prescribed body corporate. It performs the functions required under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and holds the native title in trust for the Bigambul people. Full text of the determination is available via the URL link above.