Details of the Agreement Commencement and Termination The ILUA is binding from the date when signed by all parties. It has effect as an ILUA, and in relation to the agreed future acts from its registration date, 31 May 2021. Clause 14 of the ILUA contains a means of termination, however, it is not provided as information in the Extract. Native Title Provisions Right to negotiate The parties agree that the right to negotiate provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) do not apply. Extinguishment The parties agree that the non-extinguishment principle applies - this means that under s 24EB (3) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) any of the activities authorised under this ILUA which may be inconsistent with native title rights and interests do not extinguish these rights and interests, instead they are revived when the activities are finished. Future act provisions The parties consent to: - the renewal, re-making or regranting, from time to time, of the Forrest and Forrest Pty Ltd owned Brickhouse Station Pastoral Lease;
- the granting of authority to conduct activities for agricultural purposes, including the diversification and intensification of pastoral related activities;
- the granting of leases to conduct low impact tourism activities; and
- the grant of a pastoral lease from time to time in relation to all or part of any stock route or reserve.
For further information see Schedule 1, attached below under documents. Native Title in the Agreement Area The ILUA area is within the area of the native title determination Peck on behalf of the Gnulli Native Title Claim Group v State of Western Australia [2019] FCA 2090. (FCA file no.: WAD22/2019, WAD366/2018, WAD261/2019, NNTT file no.: WI2021/003). The Yinggarda People hold native title over the Yinggarda Area of the above determination. |