Dean Ah Chee and others named in the Schedule (Walka Wani #2 Oodnadatta Native Title Claim) (SAD78/2013)

Category: People
Sub Category:Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | Native Title Applicant


State/Country:South Australia, Australia
Subject Matter:Native Title
Summary Information:

The full name of this applicant in Stuart v State of South Australia (Oodnadatta Common Overlap Proceeding) (No 2) [2021] FCA 1620 is Dean Ah Chee, Huey Tjami, Christine Lennon.

Related Entries

Case Law
  • Stuart v State of South Australia (Oodnadatta Common Overlap Proceeding) (No 2) [2021] FCA 1620 - Native Title Applicant

  • Glossary

    Native Title (Australia) | Native Title Applicants