Indigenous Partnership
An agreement between indigenous and non-indigenous parties whereby the parties set out their intention to jointly cooperate together over a variety of important issues.
Buthera Agreement16/02/2018 
Partnership Agreement between The Fred Hollows Foundation and Maari Ma Health Aboriginal Corporation29/09/2008
Cultural Heritage Investigation Agreement between Tarong Energy and the Bunya Wakka Wakka Cultural and Heritage Aboriginal Corporation4/12/2007
Palm Island Agreement between the Australian Government and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council11/10/2007
Yarrabah Indigenous Partnership Agreement 1/10/2007
Indigenous Partnership Agreement 2007-2010 (Qld) 23/07/2007 
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education / Northern Territory Government Partnership Agreement 1/07/2007
Local Indigenous Partnership Agreement (Mornington Island) 16/05/2007
Co-operation Agreement between Malachite Resources NL and the United Githabul Tribal Nation Aboriginal Corporation26/02/2007
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 21/06/2006
Strategic Alliance between Hudson and the Ngarda Ngarli Yarndu Foundation29/11/2005
Cooperation Agreement between Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation and The Wilderness Society22/06/2005
Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement15/06/2004
Western Australian Aboriginal Justice Agreement31/03/2004
Agreement between Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation and Optus1/01/2004
Aboriginal Landcare Education Program26/02/2003
Copmanhurst Shire Council and the Baryulgil Bundjalung People Agreement1/02/2003
Dhimurru Section 73 Agreement16/11/2002
Heads of Agreement between the Kariyarra People and the Town of Port Hedland1/10/2002
Partnership Agreement between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board and the Many Rivers Regional Council25/09/2002
Families Agreement between ATSIC and the Queensland Department of Families22/02/2002
Alukura Birthing Agreement1/01/2002
Partnering Agreement between the Government of South Australia and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission1/12/2001
Communique between the Government of the State of Tasmania and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC)14/11/2001
Indigenous Employment and Training Agreement between ADrail Joint Venture Company and the Northern Land Council1/01/2001
Illmargani Deed of Co-existence1/07/2000
Victoria Communique 22/06/2000
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 11/01/2000
Department of Employment, Workplace Relations & Small Business (DEWRSB) Employment Contract1/01/1999
Centre for Appropriate Technology Partnership1/01/1999
Australian Kidney Foundation Agreement1/01/1999
Garnduwa Agreement Partnership1/01/1999
Local Agreement between the Cowra Shire Council and Cowra Indigenous People1/05/1997
Kickstart Partnership1/01/1997
Koonibba Community Pipeline Deed of Agreement1/10/1996
Rubibi Interim Agreement with the Shire of Broome (1 May 1996)1/05/1996 
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 4
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Bushfood Enterprise
Martirendi Agreement
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement: Phase 3
The Mutitjulu Community Participation and Partnership Agreement
Sponsorship Agreement between Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation and Woodside Australian Energy Ltd
Far West Coast (SA) Working Group Agreement

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