PKKP Aboriginal Corporation |
Category: | Organisation | |
Date: | 27 October 2016 | |
Sub Category: | Aboriginal Corporation | Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) |
Place: | The Pilbara region. |
State/Country: | West Australia, Australia |
Legal Status: | Registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations on 22 January 2016. | |
Legal Reference: | Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN): 7630 | |
Subject Matter: | Economic Development | Management / Administration | Native Title |
URL: | | |
Summary Information: | |
The PKKP Aboriginal Corporation is the registered native title body corporate nominated as trustee of the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and the Pinikura Peoples' native title as determined by consent in Chubby on behalf of the Puutu Kunti Kurrama People and the Pinikura People #1 and #2 [2015] FCA 940. |